Similar Words

There’s different terms for words that are similar here are a few.


A homonym is a word that sounds like, or is spelled differently but have different meanings. Coming from Ancient Greek Homo meaning Same and Onym meaning Name.


  • There/Their/They’re
  • Bow(Weapon)/Bow(To Bow at someone)/Bow(Accessory)


A heteronym is a word that has a different pronunciation and meaning from another word but the same spelling. Coming from Ancient Greek Hetero meaning Different and Onym meaning Name.


  • Don’t desert(to leave) me here in the desert(A Place)!
  • Upon seeing the tear(To rip) in the painting I shed a tear(To Cry).


A homograph is a word that looks the same but has a different meaning. Coming from Ancient Greek Homo meaning Same and Graph meaning Write.


  • Sow(To plant a seed) and Sow(A female pig)
  • Lead(The Material) and Lead(To have something follow it)


A homophone is a word that is pronounced the same/similarly but has a different meaning. Coming from Ancient Greek Homo meaning Same and Phone meaning Voice. If there is more than one word it can be called an Oronym.


  • Merry(To be happy) and Mary(The Name)
  • Ice Cream(The Food) and I Scream(The Verb)


A synonym is a word that means the same thing as another word in the same language. Coming from Syn meaning With and Onym meaning Name.


  • Drink and Beverage
  • Buy and Purchase

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